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11 weeks and counting...First... a quote, courtesy of a friend who is currently experiencing life in sub-Saharan Africa. Thanks Jeff."if you go to africa with a hard heart, you come back with a soft heart,if you go to africa with a soft heart, you come back with a broken heart,if you go to africa with a broken heart, you don't come back."I'm nervous. Terrified. Ecstatic. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Overjoyed. It has been a real trial recently to get a grip on my emotions, but I think that's normal... I hope that's normal. While I have never been to Africa before, I know that it will be so completely and utterly different than what I am used to. I know that I will love it... this ministry is a combination of all of the things that I am most passionate about: kids, education, and the impoverished. But at the same time, I feel extremely incompetent. How am I supposed to make any kind of a difference in the lives of these people who are of a different culture, race, religion, skin color, and economic status. I guess that my only comfort is that it will not be me who is making the difference, but God working through me. There is one problem with that statement though. In order for God to work through me, there is one attribute that I need to obtain a lot more of; humility. I know that I need to humble myself to the point that I am fully usable. To the point where there is nothing left of me and my own agenda. I am leaving on August 24th but I ask that you begin praying for that supernatural humility NOW! Also know that I thank you in advance for your prayers and support!"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on Him." --Hudson Taylor