There is one thing that made this week stand out above every other, and that is the fact that in the last 7 days, 10 boys from the home have come to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord of their lives! Praise God.
On another note… in case you weren’t already aware… I’m coming HOME. In 3 days, I will be taking off, making a pit stop in London, and traveling the rest of the way home to Phoenix again. I know it is time; I am more than ready to see my friends and family. And while it may be a few days before I am on a normal sleep schedule, I am anxious to have some real social interaction again!
Our child today just so happens to be one of the boys who chose this week to pick up his cross and follow Jesus. His name is Osumanu. He is 8 years old and kind of short for his age, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in personality and pure spunk! He is wild and crazy, but has a soft and tender heart!
Gosh, I know this is really corny but as I read your last blog from Ghana, my heart and soul just cried out with the words to this oldie but goodie, Gloria Patri....Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end! Amen. Amen.
As a special welcome home treat, I will serenade you in person whenever you are caught up on sleep. Until then, and most important of all, I am praising the Lord for those ten boys who came to know the Lord as KING of their lives. I will pray that He brings just the right people to disciple these boys.
Loved the balloon play. What a great idea! I am so excited for the students at Fees. They will absolutely be blessed by what you will bring to the table (or desk - ha ha). I can envision math problems written on balloons!
I do recall a challenge I faced while working in the Tempe School District (I worked at Nevitt, an elementary school). I had just heard the pastor from Uganda speak and saw pic of the children at the orphanage sleeping two or three to a bed and eating porridge. When I went to work the next day, the students were all disrespectful and complaining about everything you can think of. Plus they were all acting up -pushing, shoving, etc. I just wanted to shout 'YOU HAVE A BED TO SLEEP IN AND FOOD TO EAT'. So, I will pray for your re-adjustment to these 'Western' ways.
Enjoy these last moments in Ghana, Lindsay. I have heard that in some parts of Africa, when people do not want to say 'Goodbye' (because it seems so final) they say 'Go well. Be well.' Maybe this will come in handy for you.
To God be the Glory - Laurie
Osmanu just looks so grown up-he is perfectly full of spunk-great way to describe him! Welcome back to the states-thanks for all that you did as you served God and His children. Let me know if you have any questions as you enter back into a completely different culture.
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