Sunday, March 22, 2009


Frustrations were aplenty this week as a small group of boys decided that I am the worst thing that has ever happened to them! I have the uncanny ability to scatter a crowd now!

It’s humorous to write about now but a few days ago, I was not in such a light hearted mood. Following some misbehavior on their part, they received a punishment from their house mother. When I did not “take their side” and supported the mama’s decision, they snapped and began unleashing every hurtful thing they could think of. Later, a hilarious little spy hidden among the boys came to us and rambled off a list of insults that had been thrown out and then said that their main goal was to “pain us”. In other words, these few boys wanted so badly to make Elise and I miserable and they knew that because of our intense love for them, their words would cut us deep. And they did. It’s true what they say, that us humans have the capacity to hurt those who love us the most!

Their initial success in “paining me” was overcome after a little venting and much thought and prayer. I quickly realized that I do not need their approval. I did not come halfway across the world to be liked. That’s what friends and family are for. Rather, I came here to help these kids and to show them the love of Christ, whether that is displayed through a hug or a spanking. Besides that, my joy is not something that is contingent upon the consent of pre-teen boys, but it is something that comes only from the Lord and cannot be stolen. With my revised outlook on the situation, I continued my week killing them with smiles, waves, and as many hugs as I could grab. It frustrated them to no end and while they have not come around yet, I am confident that they will soon forget while they were even upset in the first place! In the meantime, please pray that they will have eyes to see the reason for our discipline and will learn to accept our love.

Additionally, please pray for Kofi. She is a quiet 9 year old girl who works hard in school, especially English. She enjoys playing dress up with the little girls and is a great football player. It took us a much longer time to get to know the real Kofi because of her shyness, but her amazing character is now very evident to us. Pray that the Lord would bless her with a boldness to accompany her other great attributes!

1 comment:

truth hope heal family nature eternity laurie said...

Happy Thursday! I have had a slightly hectic week and became frustrated when I couldn't get to your blog. Then, as the Lord would have it, I understood why. I needed to work through my current devotional series in order to really appreciate the 'paining' you are going through. What a Lord!
So, I have been praying that the boys have 'seen the light' and that the paining will end soon. Ah, can't help but remember the rare but nevertheless difficult days of having to hold my ground with Rae. Not fun at all!
Here are a few nuggets for you.....For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
And, in my current devotional, David Jeremiah wrote this regarding surrender 'Surrendering our all to Christ doesn't mean we're dispirited prisoners waving a white flag. It means we've come face to face with the King of Kings, and we are willing to defer every preference to Him. Knowing He is all powerful, we submit as a servant to a king. Knowing He is all loving, we yield as a father to a child. Knowing He is all wise, we gladly choose His will over our own. '
Well, unfortunately, probably for most humans, we don't always 'gladly' choose His will over our own but I am sure you get the essence of what is being said in light of your obedience to Him in this situation with the boys.
Last but not least, here is one of my favorite realities.....He did not suffer and die for our comfort. I don't recall where I picked up that jewel but it is a keeper.
How precious that Kofi loves to dress up and play football. I was one of those kiddos and recall getting a toy gas station as a Christmas gift one year. Loved that thing! But, then again, I also loved my Patty Playpal doll which I still have! Heard they go for several hundred dollars on ebay!
One of my long-time friends from the Midwest is here with her family for the next few days. Her husband and son are going golfing today while Judy and I are heading to Tucson to see Rae. Looking forward to that and might just have to eat at someplace fabulous like Pastiche or North or Cheeba Hut - ha ha. Let me know if you have any favorites down there so i can check them out one of these days.
By the way, GO WILDCATS! How cool that they are in the sweet 16!
Love you! Laurie
May the Lord continue to bless you with His wisdom!