Fairly frequently, amidst all that can be difficult or disheartening, I am blessed to receive priceless little “nuggets” from the kids in the form of a funny comment, an unexpected hug, or a precious letter. These little nuggets do nothing less than sustain me, remind me why I am here, and give me the encouragement I need to continue on. This week I have had the benefit of many such nuggets in the form of hilarious pictures and videos.
Over the course of our time here, Elise and I have taught several of the kids how to use our cameras. They usually will ask to borrow them if we are all playing a game or doing some kind of activity. However, this week they have asked to borrow them in the evenings so that they can take pictures and videos of happenings in their dorms. What we have received from those nights in their rooms could never be duplicated! If there is one truth that I have discovered, it is that no matter the culture, background, or age of the kids, the idea of imagination, pretending, and playing, is paramount. It is a universal truth. The boys turned in pictures of themselves in karate stances, doing marching exercises, singing songs, and even dressing up like girls. They put together a play and took videos as they acted out everyday scenes and made up ones. The girls gave us pictures of themselves with pillows stuffed in their shirts and blankets draped over their heads as they pretended to be famous singers and beautiful queens. I am so thankful for these precious inside looks at their unhindered imaginations.
Another unintentional benefit of these pictures and videos has been to provide a funny introduction to our home and a welcoming environment to another new addition to our Haven of Hope family. Joshua is a 13 year old boy who just came to us from Accra. He has a bright smile and an outgoing personality, but I pray that his transition to our home will be smooth and filled with 46 new friends!
Additionally, I’d like to introduce Regina who is a beautiful 11 year old girl and younger sister to Mary. She is in P6 and is very smart, always working hard on her school work. She is a gentle spirit, but her quiet demeanor does not fool us, as she can dance and sing better than most! Please keep Regina in your prayers as she thrives and continues on to Junior Secondary School next year.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
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you are such a well-gifted writer, Miss Lindsay!!! Mr. White would be proud! hahaha =)
Nuggets make the world go round la la la.....I was just trying to set those words to music (unsuccessfully) because it is so true and almost worthy of a song!
Especially in my study and prayer time, it is those nuggets aka JEWELS the Lord drops in my lap that totally energize me, direct me and stay with me for the long haul. Sounds like your nuggets from the precious video memories and added insight into the children have had that same effect on you.
Here is a prayer that came as a result of one on my nuggets - Lord, convey Your mind to me. What am I to pray about? Who am I to pray for? What am I to do? What am I to give? What are Your dreams for me?
Here's another - very appropriate for this Easter week of remembrance.....I know that You and the enemy both have a plan for me. But! He is not omniscient or onmipresent, loving or compassionate. And, his power is broken. The enemy is a limited and defeated foe because of what you did, Jesus. Would you please, show me when I am not recognizing evil's encroachment? Make me uncomfortable with sin and 'stuff'.
So, though my nuggets are not as adorable as yours, I am totally relating to the encouragment you received from watching the night time happenings.
Happy Easter, dear Linday! I can't wait to hear about the retreat! Laurie
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